David Watts

Liberal Democrat Councillor For Bramcote, Parliamentary Spokesperson for Newark, Editor of Challenge Magazine for the Green Liberal Democrats and Crime and Policing Spokesperson for Nottinghamshire Learn more

Broxtowe Enews 24th January 2016

by David Watts on 24 January, 2016

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, on behalf of the Lib-Dems in Broxtowe.

1. By Elections
As I reported last week there will be two by elections in Broxtowe, both taking place on Thursday 18th February. In Toton and Chilwell Meadows the Lib-Dem candidate will be Graham Heal, a Toton resident. Graham stood as an independent last year and performed very well, and he has now joined the Liberal Democrats. The Conservative candidate lives in Beeston North and the Labour candidate lives in Stapleford. UKIP didn’t even manage to find someone to stand. In Greasley the Lib-Dem candidate will be Keith Longdon, the very popular County Councillor for Eastwood.

2. Field Farm
The borough council is currently considering the detailed plans for phase one of the development of Field Farm in Stapleford. Strangely though they have kept the publicity about this to a minimum. I’m very grateful to Ian Scrimshaw, a reader of this newsletter, who drew the plans to my attention. You can see them at http://planning.broxtowe.gov.uk/(S(momacy45o2nrhh45nwmqwqrq))/ApplicationDetail.aspx?RefVal=15/00841/REM&dm_i=BLC,3Y1NV,GXM201,EBI98,1. I wonder if the Conservative administrations decision to minimise the publicity about this has anything to do with their U-turn where they are now promoting this after having opposed it in opposition.

3. Toton Planning Application

A planning application is also being considered by the council for a major development in Toton opposite the tram park and ride. This is another site opposed by the Tories in opposition but what they are now looking at is far bigger than anything that the previous Lib-Dem administration ever considered. In addition to 500 houses they are looking at a significant amount of employment land, a number of shops and an 80 bed nursing home. You can see this at http://planning.broxtowe.gov.uk/(S(ir35u155cs5ml4vrs2uqcfet))/ApplicationDetail.aspx?RefVal=12/00585/OUT. This was due to be discussed at a meeting the week prior to the by election in Toton but the Conservatives have put the meeting back until the week after the by election. Presumably they think that voters might be influenced if they see that they have performed another U-turn just days before.

4. Beeston Post Office

The Royal Mail have announced that they intend to franchise the post office in Beeston. This means that the current office is likely to close and to then reopen within one of the shops. I am concerned about this and I know that many of my fellow Lib Dems are as well.

5. Police Neighbourhood Priorities Survey
If you want to influence what issues your local beat team focuses on where you live or work please complete the online Neighbourhood Priority Survey. Together with Community Safety meetings, attended by councillors and other community representatives, the results of the surveys are used to help local beat teams set their priorities every three months. Completed anonymously, the survey asks you to explain what concerns you have about criminal activity where you live. It asks for information about a range of concerns, including antisocial behaviour, speeding, street drinking, nuisance vehicles and other criminal activity. You can give more information about the offences being committed and the days and times incidents are happening. You can also pinpoint exactly where the problems are, with a marker on a map. The information you enter into the site will help your local beat team decide which issues are most important to people in your area and what three things they should tackle over the next three months. To have your say on policing in your area visit www.neighbourhoodprioritysurvey.co.uk

6. 999 v 101
Our Neighbourhood Police Team have asked that we remind the public about the circumstances in which 999 is appropriate. Calls to 999 should be only if life threatening or damage/theft to property AT THE TIME. All other calls should be to 101. Police advise only call for police on 999 when:
 There is a danger to life or a risk of injury being caused imminently. Examples include serious road accidents, assaults or serious disorders.
 A crime is in progress. Examples include assault, burglary, and theft or if an offender is still on scene, or has just left the scene.
 Police attendance is required immediately such as to prevent a breach of peace, someone acting suspiciously or someone who is about to commit an offence.

7. Moves To Abolish Broxtowe
I reported last week that the Conservatives at Nottinghamshire County Council were calling for the abolition of Broxtowe and all the other district councils in the county, so that there could be one unitary authority and all decisions would be taken in West Bridgford or Retford. I am pleased to say that the motion was defeated and all the Liberal Democrats on the County Council voted against the motion.

8. Summer Play Schemes
The County Council are offering grants of £1,000 per year for the next two years to community groups wanting to organise summer play schemes. Applications need to be submitted by 22nd February and can be submitted via the County Council website.

9. Y36 Bus
After the changes to bus routes in and around Beeston which I reported last week YourBus have confirmed that the Y36 route will not be changing and the service will stay as it is.

10. Council Tax
The major component of the council tax that we all pay goes towards the County Council. The Labour leader of the council, Alan Rhodes, has this week written to local MP’s to warn that the County want to put council tax up by 4% this year. This will be made up of a 2% rise in the standard rate of tax plus a further 2% levy to fund social care.

11. Sainsburys in Stapleford
It was disappointing to hear this week that Sainsburys intend to close their store in Central Avenue, Stapleford in the middle of this year. This provides a very convenient service for local residents and a campaign has been launched to keep the store open.

As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter. Any feedback is gratefully received.

Best wishes

Follow me on Twitter @davidwatts12.

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