David Watts

Liberal Democrat Councillor For Bramcote, Parliamentary Spokesperson for Newark, Editor of Challenge Magazine for the Green Liberal Democrats and Crime and Policing Spokesperson for Nottinghamshire Learn more

Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Following the racist comments by the English Democrat candidate at the Newark Business Club hustings last week I have asked the police to investigate whether any criminal offences were committed. The ED candidate chose to make openly racist and inflammatory comments early on in the hustings meeting staged at the YMCA in Newark last Thursday […]

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My Message to Electric Vehicle Owners

by David Watts on 24 June, 2024

Manifesto Launched

by David Watts on 10 June, 2024

The Liberal Democrats have launched their manifesto this morning. It sets out a whole range of policies aimed at achieving a fair deal for people, for the environment and for our country. It is something that I am very happy to campaign on. For a Fair Deal – Liberal Democrats Manifesto 2024 – Liberal Democrats […]

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What an Insult to Our Veterans

by David Watts on 7 June, 2024

The decision of Rishi Sunak to leave the D-Day Commemorations early was a real insult to the military and to the thousands who died that day. The revelation today that he never intended to stay for the later part of the event compounds the insult. This just illustrates how totally out of touch with ordinary […]

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First Party Political Broadcast

by David Watts on 5 June, 2024

The Liberal Democrats have broadcast their first party political broadcast of the election this evening. You can view it here Liberal Democrats on X: “Caring isn’t just Ed’s story, it’s the story of millions, caring for each other, dealing with tough times, and keeping going with love. The Liberal Democrats will be the voice of […]

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Nomination Papers Submitted

by David Watts on 5 June, 2024

My nomination papers have been submitted and accepted today for the general election. I am now officially a candidate in the election.

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Meeting With NFU

by David Watts on 5 June, 2024

It was my pleasure to meet representatives of the NFU in Newark today and discuss how we can work together to improve the situation of farmers in the UK. We had a fantastic discussion for 90 minutes covering a whole range of issues. If I’m elected on 4th July then I’ll be holding regular meetings […]

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Key Dates For The Election

by David Watts on 4 June, 2024

Key dates for the election: If you need to register to vote the last date to do that is 18th June If you need a postal vote the last date to apply is 19th June If you need a proxy vote the last date to apply is 26th June (emergency proxies can be applied for […]

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by David Watts on 1 June, 2024

I’ve created a new video with my comments about the Conservatives plans for conscription.

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First video out now

by David Watts on 28 May, 2024

The first of my campaign videos is out now. You can see it on Youtube at https://youtu.be/ftb-ZxqI0R4?si=tujwBRlu1azxKeb9 or just by clicking on the link.

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