David Watts

Liberal Democrat Councillor For Bramcote, Parliamentary Spokesperson for Newark, Editor of Challenge Magazine for the Green Liberal Democrats and Crime and Policing Spokesperson for Nottinghamshire Learn more

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Broxtowe Enews 28th May 2017

by David Watts on 28 May, 2017

Welcome to Broxtowe Enews, brought to you by the Liberal Democrats and edited by David Watts, on behalf of the Lib-Dems in Broxtowe.


Many apologies that the was no newsletter last week. I was going to do it on Monday night but then the news from Manchester came in and it didn’t seem appropriate. Much has already been said about what happened in Manchester and I would simply like to add my voice to the many expressions of grief and sorrow that had been made. I had the privilege of representing the Liberal Democrats at an act of remembrance in Newark yesterday. The two important things that I think need to be stressed about the bombing are that Isis do not represent mainstream Muslim thought any more than the KKK represent mainstream Christian thought. Both are a perversion of the religion for people’s own ends. The second thing that strikes me is that any religion that says that it is acceptable to deliberately murder children is not a religion worth following.


  1. Hustings

I mentioned in the last newsletter that Anna Soubry had failed to show up for the first hustings in the constituency. She has now sent out an email saying that she will not be taking part in any hustings. This seems to be standard operating procedure the Conservatives across the country this year, at least judging from the reports that I’ve been seeing from my colleagues. It does make one wonder what they are afraid of. Their plans for a dementia tax seem to have been particularly unpopular and their apparent U-turns and rewriting of plans as they go along have rather destroyed their slogan of being strong and stable. I have also received a rather bizarre leaflet from UKIP this weekend which just seemed to be a rant against everyone who isn’t them. I would urge everyone when they go to vote next week to give their vote to Tim Hallam. Tim will be the voice of reason that Broxtowe needs.


  1. Tornado

It really is true that a tornado hit Stapleford last week. It damaged properties in Frederick Road and Pastures Road, and apparently caused some damage elsewhere in Nottingham as well. The Met Office reported that the Tornado, which is a violent rotating column of air, lasted for between 15 and 20 seconds as it went through Stapleford.


  1. Hemlock Happening

This year’s Hemlock Happening will take place on Saturday 10th June. This year the event is being sponsored by Specsavers, who have paid for a new marquee to be added to the attractions, which will host food and drink stalls. Thousands of people attend the event every year and I would strongly recommend a visit. The event begins at 1pm and finishes with fireworks at 10pm. I will be on the Bramcote Park Café stall during the afternoon.


  1. New Homes At Last

Broxtowe Borough Council have approved plans to build 250 homes on the old Bartons Bus Depot site on Chilwell High Road. Construction will be carried out in four stages, with the first 29 homes being started this autumn. In total there will be 11 four bedroom houses, 63 three bedroom houses, 122 two bedroom flats and 54 one bedroom maisonettes.


  1. Rail Accident

There was a tragic accident in Attenborough last week when a man was struck by a train and killed whilst crossing the track. The accident happened at the Meadow Lane crossing, which is one of three that Network Rail are considering closing.  A consultation on this has recently closed and Network Rail are considering the responses before deciding what action to take.


  1. Minerals Plan

The new Conservative authority on Nottinghamshire County Council has suspended the minerals plan that was in the process of development. This plan governs such things as where quarries and mineral extraction will take place and, most importantly in this context, where fracking might take place. The fear is that the decision to postpone work has been taken so that further sites can be allocated for fracking in the future. This may well affect large parts of south Broxtowe.


  1. New County Council Chairman

The new chairman of Nottinghamshire County Council is Broxtowe Councillor John Hanley. John takes over from Cllr Yvonne Woodhead, and has selected Nottinghamshire Hospice as his charity for the year.


  1. Attenborough, Beeston and Chilwell Art Trail

There will be an art trail on Saturday 3rd and Sunday 4th June from 11.00 am – 6.00 pm. This will highlight original art direct from the makers. You can visit 29 artists at 13 venues across Attenborough, Beeston and Chilwell. Artists and Artisan Craft Workers are preparing for their annual Art Trail.  Many will be opening their studios in addition to some collaborative venues.  Admission to the event is free. You can find a map and further details on our website at www.abcarttrail.uk.

There will be a wide range of work and an opportunity to meet the makers. This year we have:

  • Ceramicsby Alan Birchall
  • Textile Artby Zoe Zegzula, Jo Flood and Janet Humphreys
  • Jewelleryby Helen Domleo
  • Photographyby Sara Gaynor and Lynne Norker
  • Glass workby Peter and Susanne Venning as well as Rebecca Cass
  • Framingby Bob Child
  • Knitwearby Oksana Holbrook
  • Sculptureby Karen Williams
  • Art including paintingprinting and pastels by Lynda Child, Rita Mitchell, Dawn Booth, Michelle Archer, Sidney Smith, Sygal Amitay, Matthew  Plowright, Anjana Cawdell, Susan Harley, Janet Barnes, Leo Gomes, Annie Finn, Pam Miller, Gary Thomas, Anna Schofield, Alison Packer and Fran Lakin.

Flyers will be distributed around the area in libraries and local meeting places. Look out for posters and signs. The addresses of all the studios can be found at www.abcarttrail.uk.


  1. New Chilwell Classes

Chilwell Olympia have announced that they are adding more classes to their fitness programme to meet the demand. There will be new classes in spinning and Zumba taking place every week. For details visit the Liberty Leisure website at https://www.liberty-leisure.org.uk/sport-and-fitness/chilwell-olympia/.


  1. Successful Parenting Course


The White Hills Park federation of schools are offering free places on our next course, ‘Talking with Teens’ / ‘Connecting with Teens’. The start date is Wednesday 7th June. The course will run for 5 weeks from 5.30pm – 7.30pm and will take place in Alderman White School library. Traditionally, this course is over subscribed, so early expression of interest would be advised. Please contact Julie.francis@whpfederation.org.


  1. Grow Your Business Workshops

Two free business workshops will give local business men and women in Broxtowe advice on how to grow their customer base, maximise branding, secure funding and more next month. The sessions, run by the D2N2 Growth Hub in partnership with Broxtowe Borough Council include Thursday 15th June, 9.00am to 4.30pm, Eastwood Hall, Mansfield Road, Eastwood (Morning session: access to  finance for growth, Lunch and networking, Afternoon session: how to maximise your brand) and  Tuesday 20th June, 12.00pm to 5.00pm, Beeston Town Hall, Foster Avenue, Beeston (One to one Broxtowe business health check surgery with support provided by a D2N2 Growth Hub business adviser who can identify business needs for growth and direct businesses to the most appropriate routes to make expansion a reality). Slots are available to book at 12.00pm until 1.00pm, 1.20pm until 2.20pm, 2.40pm until 3.40pm and 4.00pm until 5.00pm. To book for Thursday 15th event, please visit www.d2n2growthhub.co.uk/events-training. To book an appoint at Broxtowe business heath check surgery, please email economic.development@broxtowe.gov.uk or call 0115 917 3826.


  1. Reduction in Trent Barton 18 and 21 routes

Trent Barton have announced a number of alterations to their bus timetable. From 23rd July The Stapleford to Beeston Eighteen services will reduce in frequency from every 30 minutes to hourly. The 21 – which runs from Ilkeston to Nottingham – and 23 – which connects Heanor to Ilkeston – routes are being combined, affecting the timetables and routes of both.


As ever thank you for your support for this newsletter. Any feedback is gratefully received.


Best wishes





Follow me on Twitter @davidwatts12.

(Full imprint details are available on the Broxtowe Liberal Democrats website.)

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